A photo of the Infosound audio studio, showing a computer screen, mixer, microphone and other equipment

Infosound is a British charity, registered in England and Wales (no. 1142082) and in Scotland (no. SC039929).


We are funded solely by voluntary donations and grants.

This is the bottom of this web page.


How come it's all free?

As an established registered charity in England, Scotland and Wales, we appeal to trust funds and other charities within Britain for financial assistance so we can support you. So, there's no catch: whatever we can do to help you is free of any charge.  If there are any material costs involved then we might ask you to cover those, but that's pretty rare.

Basically, if what you do, or would like to do, involves making the information that you produce easily accessible to vision impaired people in audio, then we will try to help.  We've been doing this sort of thing for over thirty years, so we've picked up some useful pointers along the way; and our wish is simply to share that advice with you.


How can we help?

What we do is entirely up to you. We don't have pre-defined 'packages' of assistance to hand out; we tailor what we offer to what you need.

We've listed a few idea on this web site front page, but whatever you have in mind, just drop us an email to support@infosound.org.uk and we can discuss what you might need.

























Infosound Support

Helping to spread useful information

to those living with sight loss

Infosound TTS (Text to Speech)

If you have information that you've prepared and you want it made accessible to vision-impaired people, whether customers or members, clients or friends, there are many reasons why you might want to turn that information into speech.


You might wish to make your organisation's web site easily readable by someone with sight loss.

You may be a small charity that has already produced information in large print for those with some partial sight, but want it to be easy to read by those very low vision or no sight at all.

You could be a business, keen to meet your obligations as a service provider under The Equality Act 2010 (to make "reasonable adjustments" so as not to deny or reduce access to services because of someone's disability), making what you offer accessible to vision impaired customers.


Whatever the reason, there are ways and means to do this, using the human voice, synthetic voices - which sound pretty good these days (take a listen) - or a combination of the two. And we can help with that. Just drop us an email to support@infosound.org.uk to tell us what you have in mind.